Apricot Season!
Mom called to say the apricots on her tree were ready, and to hurry up before all the birds got them. The girls and I arrived on the scene within hours. Our bags were already packed and waiting in the car with pectin, sugar, jars & lids. We had been anticipating apricots for weeks!
My helpers and I filled up two buckets, and there was still plenty for my uncle Larry & aunt Nancy, who were on their way to pick some also.
Mom & Bill played with the girls (& took photos!) while I made a batch of apricot jelly.
It was a little awkward in mom's kitchen, and lucky for me, aunt Nancy arrived just in time
to help with the batch of jelly. She shared some tips she's learned from a lifetime of preserving nature's bounty. For years, she fed a family of 12 almost entirely on what they produced or bartered. She really knows her stuff, and it was a pleasure to have this opportunity.
We used the recipe inside the pectin box, and it yielded 11 pint-sized jars. I gave a jar to Mom & Nancy.
When we got home, I made another batch of apricot jelly, only this time I added a can of crushed pineapple, juice and all, as suggested by Mom & Nancy. This batch yielded 10 pint-size jars.
If you'd like more ideas and info on apricots, see this post at The Vegan Diet.Our apricots produced 2 batches jelly, and a full dehydrator.
I was looking forward to the dried apricots, but was disappointed that most had mold on the underside. Did I wait too long before drying the fruit? Was I supposed to do something to the fruit first? Anyway, it's buggin' me because I want to dry some peaches next week, but don't want to waste anymore. Dehydrating tips anybody?