Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Daily Plan for Healthy Eathing. Good for You, the Earth, and Animals


mysticxian said...

hmmmm, the one I found had veggies and fruits on the bottom, then grains. So which one is right? Does it matter?

moi + toi PHOTOGRAPHIE said...

love it!!

turquoise cro said...

Hey Girly!!! Where have YOU been! I missed YOU, been meaning to send a card out to hunt YOU down! hehe Have a SWEET last September day! xoxoxoxoox

Debra said...

Love it!

Crystal said...

Thank you! I have posted this on my fridge as we all need reminders like this :)

madeinalaska said...

love it! we too have it posted where we keep our plates.. on our the cupboard door.. the little kids often look at it and recite what they have had that day and where it belongs on the chart.. so cute..
thanks vicki...

Toni @ Imperfect Pregnancy said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I'm starting into the world of vegetarianism and this is a great thing to have on hand. I always forget about the Omega 3 things. I should work on that... I'm bookmarking his site and will be back often! :)

Anonymous said...

There's something deeply wrong with this food pyramid. There are no separate food groups for chocolate or garlic!